What is Supervisory Training?

Supervisory training in the Philippines is a type of corporate training that covers practical applications for soon-to-be supervisors and managers. This corporate training program is designed to equip the next line of leaders with the necessary supervisory tools and strategies to lead their associates.

In the Philippines, supervisory training is an in-demand corporate training as more companies, whether multinational or startups are looking to invest in their leaders and next-in-line managers. They know for a fact that the growth of the organization highly depends on the leadership potential of their supervisors.

At Rainmaker Consultancy, we create a customized supervisory training program to help guide your next-in managers and supervisors in driving your business forward through practical leadership skills.

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1-Day Leadership Training for Lingaro Group

1-Day Leadership Training for Atlas Circuits

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Rainmakers' Supervisory Training Programs

We customize and personalize supervisory training programs to suit your learning needs.

Modern-Day Leadership: Leading in the New Reality

The “Modern-Day Leadership: Leading in the New Reality” program is an intensive leadership training initiative tailored to the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the contemporary business environment. It revolves around five pivotal elements of effective leadership: Modeling, Connecting, Visioneering, Empowering, and Cultivating. The curriculum is designed to endow leaders with vital competencies, insights, and attitudes to navigate and thrive amidst the complexities and rapid transformations of the modern business landscape. Invest in leadership training.

Executive Advantage: Strategy and Execution for Business Breakthrough

The “Executive Advantage” program is an advanced leadership development course crafted to refine the executive demeanor of its participants. It offers a comprehensive component suite that focuses on establishing a commanding personal brand, effective communication, and enhanced organizational impact. Leaders participating in this program will gain access to many strategies and tools designed to bolster their executive presence, facilitate powerful communication, and catalyze business productivity and innovation. See our executive leadership training.

Choose To Win: The 7C's Of Champions

The “Choose to Win: The 7C’s of Champions” program is a robust framework to guide individuals through their journey to success. It emphasizes seven critical areas: Calling, Clarity, Courage, Commitment, Consistency, Coachability, and Character. This program is crafted to inspire and enable individuals to face and conquer their personal and professional challenges, paving the way to realize their aspirations and dreams with a well-rounded and resilient approach. Check out our success training.

Win As One: Shaping A Culture of Workplace Excellence

“Win As One: Shaping A Culture of Workplace Excellence” is a transformative program to foster a high-performance organizational culture. It underscores the importance of mindset, heart set, skillset, and soul set in building collaborative teams, endorsing shared values, harnessing diverse skills, and nurturing a profound sense of unity and purpose within a company. This program is a blueprint for organizations seeking to elevate their workplace environment and achieve exemplary excellence and collaboration. See our culture building training.

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    Importance of Supervisory Training For Employees

    Undoubtedly, supervisory training is necessary for any organization with leaders. In other words, all organizations, whether a government agency or company, must invest in developing their leaders. If you’re still considering hiring a Filipino corporate trainer, let me give you some compelling reasons to put some budget into supervisory training.

    Succession Planning

    Some organizations have high turnover, which means that there are massive changes that are happening among teams. The replacement of leaders is running so fast that the top management can’t figure out how to raise their new leaders (through internal promotion). By conducting supervisory training in your organization, you retain your existing leaders, develop new leaders (rank-in-file), and get them ready to step up when the time comes.

    Business Performance

    The impact of supervisory training in the organization is on the business performance or results. Great leaders can experience individual growth, which can drive business growth for the organization. Results-oriented leadership allows for a healthier work environment that brings the individual performance of its employees to skyrocket year over year.

    Healthy Work Environment

    One reason why employees leave organizations is that they can’t get along with their boss. They can’t figure out how to deal with their toxic boss, so much so that the only choice is to leave the organizations they’re working for. If your leaders can experience a transformative supervisory training program, they’ll have the opportunity to change the culture of their teams and, entirely, the organization.

    Win-Win-Win Results

    One of the best things that can happen for organizations is that all people are served well. These include stakeholders, the board of Directors, customers or clients, employees, and top managers. All of them are getting a win-win-win, given that the company’s culture is healthier after they’ve conducted supervisory training in the Philippines.

    Level Up Your Supervisory Skills With Our Supervisory Training Program

    Are you struggling to manage your team effectively, leading to low morale and productivity?

    The truth is, traditional training methods are outdated and ineffective in today’s fast-paced work environment.

    You need a solution that addresses the unique challenges of supervising in the Philippines and empowers you to lead with confidence.

    Our Supervisory Training Program in the Philippines is specifically designed to help you overcome these challenges and achieve success as a leader.

    Our expert trainers use a combination of practical skills training and real-world experience to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

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    leadership training for managers

    We help supervisors level up their competencies with our basic supervisory training in the Philippines. 

    corporate training philippines client portfolio

    Quick Guide to Supervisory Training Philippines

    Learn more on about supervisory training.

    Supervisory training is a program designed for entry-level employees and anyone preparing for supervisory or managerial roles. 

    This type of corporate training in the Philippines allows them to learn the knowledge, skills, attitude, and tools to lead their teams effectively in the workplace.

    Supervisory training has tons of benefits for the participants:

    Managers, supervisors, and next-role leaders will level up their leadership skills, so much so that they’ll unite their team towards a common goal or purpose.

    Decision-making skills are another benefit any participant can get from supervisory training in the Philippines.

    When leaders know how to make wise decisions, the team and organization can make better quality outputs and high peak performance. 

    Productivity increases, and specific promotions and incentives await among the participants. 

    The success of the organization depends highly on individual success. Change in mindset, behavior, and performance compounds highly for organizational momentum. 

    Topics covered in supervisory training include:

    Leadership training 

    Supervisors must upgrade their leadership skills to cope with and adapt to numerous changes happening in the world today. 

    Supervisors can lead their teams through change through leadership training in the Philippines, like Modern Day leadership courses. This causes higher productivity, peak performance at work, and better promotion and opportunities for the team and/or organization.


    Proper and healthy communication promotes harmony, teamwork, and better team culture. 

    Supervisors must be able to convey messages to their peers, subordinates, and superiors to achieve specific success goals within the organization.

    With proper communication, casting out vision among teams is easier. Vision casting becomes more effective when every team member understands it and executes it accordingly as planned. 


    Decision-making skills are crucial for leaders. They must make wise decisions as they lead their teams toward positive organizational change.

    Essential decisions include promotion for new leaders (managers, supervisors, etc..), managing conflicts among team members, rallying vision and goals to the team, and other pertinent decisions supervisors have to make for the team.

    Task Management and Productivity 

    Supervisors must learn the highest productivity skills. Fortunately, this gives them an unfair advantage as they can produce the best output, and performance, which leads to achieving individual and team goals.

    There are a few notable and effective productivity training programs in the Philippines any supervisor can take towards discovering new tools, strategies, and principles about team harmony, taking control of one’s time, clarity of purpose at work, and other essential things.

    Team Building

    Supervisors can bond the team for more harmonious relationships. By being an effective team-building facilitator in the Philippines, a supervisor can build deeper connections among team members – creating an environment with high psychological safety.

    This now enhances people towards better communication, better conflict management, and the invention of new ideas and strategies.

    Supervisory training, like Modern-Day Leadership programs, lasts depending on the level of instruction.

    It varies from a 1-hour talk to a five days training program. This could be in the form of mentoring, one on one coaching, workshops, and conferences.

    Supervisory training in the Philippines costs between Php10,000 and Php500,000. 

    The cost depends on many factors, such as:

    • The rate of the professional speaker or corporate trainer
    • Venue
    • Participants’ needs, which is based on training needs analysis

    The common methods of delivering supervisory training in the Philippines are in-person classes, online courses, conferences, workshops, seminars, 1 on 1 coaching, and mentoring.

    Some corporate trainers provide a more extended version of supervisory training programs. 

    Yes, corporate trainers in the Philippines can provide supervisory training programs customized to meet the specific needs, objectives, and goals of an organization, team, or industry.

    Here are some reputable providers of supervisory training in the Philippines:

    • Development Academy of the Philippines
    • Philippine Association of Management and Entrepreneurial Development
    • Management Association of the Philippines
    • Rainmaker by SharpRocket Consultancy

    The main qualifications of corporate trainers for supervisory training programs are the following:


    The corporate trainer conducting the supervisory training must be credible enough to speak based on expertise and experience. He must have a solid managerial background of at least a decade in one or various industries. 

    This would give him the proper framework, tools, strategies, and principles that will be useful for the participants to hear, understand or discover in the corporate training program.


    Not only that the corporate trainer must be credible, but he should also employ a character that is worth listening to. 

    Speakers and trainers must show through verbal communication, non-verbal language, and other essential areas of communication the right behavior, attitude, and values of a credible corporate trainer.  


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