Training Services Provider Philippines

Train your employees with competencies at different levels with the most respected training service provider in the Philippines.

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The Training Company of Choice for Talent Development Needs

In today’s business landscape, we’ve often heard that most business problems are people’s problems. Therefore, learning how to deal with people (“employees”) is crucial to business success.

Most employees today retain at work not only because of pure compensation packages and “team-building bonding” but because they seek personal growth and career advancement in their respective roles and responsibilities. 

That’s where Rainmakers comes in. We provide world-class corporate training services in the Philippines to develop your best asset – people. Whether your goal is to train them based on specific learning competencies or to inspire them to move from point A to point B, Rainmakers has a roster of speakers and trainers to take your talent development to the next level.

Contact us today to schedule an analysis session for your training needs.

Training Services To Cover Your Every Need

A roster of training services Rainmakers are capable of designing and implementing:

Leadership and Management Development

Our best-seller programs, Modern-Day Leadership: Leading in the New Reality, Executive Advantage: Advanced Leadership for Senior Leaders, and Leadership Conversations,” can help your leaders at any level, based on needs, to adapt specific competencies to lead their associates further and faster. See our programs on basic leadership, executive leadership, and coaching and mentoring training.

Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service Excellence

If your training needs to lean toward technical front-line skills, Rainmakers offers a variety of essential skills they need to increase sales further and improve customer relations. Our best-selling programs, High-Impact Selling, Knockout Marketing: Digital Marketing, and Customer Centricity: The Value of Human Touch in Customer Experience – are updated and upgraded to help your sales team improve their selling acumen and excel in providing the best customer experience. Invest in our sales, marketing, and customer service training.

Strategic Thinking, Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Forward-thinking and innovation are essential skills to elevate business operations and processes. We’ve dived into these skills with our Rainmakers’ best-selling programs, “Executive Advantage: Strategic Thinking” and “Problem-Solving and Decision-Making (PSDM).” All these are designed to improve your leaders’ and decision-makers strategic thinking and decision-making so they’ll have a better outlook on their operations and innovative processes. Learn more about our strategic thinking and PSDM training.

Training Consultancy Services

If you’ve just recently established your HR and talent development team, or you’ve been around in the industry but have just decided to invest in your employees. You’re looking for a credible expert to give you advice on training needs or, better yet, help you create a training calendar and sets of programs that address your employees’ needs, Rainmakers’ CEO Venchito Tampon has over a decade of experience running multiple businesses, as well as leading teams and training senior leaders of companies. During your one-hour consultation call, you can pick his brain with as many questions as possible. 

Companies and Organizations We’ve Trained

rainmakers client portfolio 2024
training services provider philippines

Why Corporate Training is Important For Talent Development?

In recent years, the way to retain and develop employees has been through the two lowest levels in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (physiological needs and safety needs). These refer to job security, compensation packages, and work office setup or structure. 

However, as the workforce evolved, adding new generations (Generation Z and soon, Generation Alpha), we couldn’t ignore that their expectations and demands grew as well. Thanks to expert trainers, speakers, and consultants for developing updated corporate training programs that address the needs of the current workforce to adapt to the changing times of the industry. 

In our experiences, we’ve been tapped by many organizations that now have a multi-generational workforce (4 to 5 different generations trying to collaborate with each other). This compels many clients in L&D or general HR to hire trainers with their given expertise to facilitate training programs and teach their employees different soft-skills training

That’s where corporate training comes in. This is a process where highly experienced trainers and consultants identify the needs of employees through TNA (training needs analysis). The deeper and more effective their TNA is, the better it could help in designing training programs that address the participants’ needs regarding which element of competency is needed (knowledge, skills, and attitude). 

We’ve seen more and more local and multi-national companies prioritize the overall well-being of their employees through various corporate training programs. Invest today in your people and improve their skills to propel them toward achieving your organizational goals. 

Our Approach

Rainmakers takes a professional and pragmatic approach to rendering corporate training services. While many service providers take a templated look over their content and training delivery, we go the opposite route and help you better understand our training methodology so you can know exactly what you’re getting from us. All our training programs have these five pillars, specifically:

Training Needs Analysis

The process of determining the needs of participants through various methods such as FGD (focus group discussions), surveys, job observation, or document analysis is where trainers examine and read specific job contracts (if allowed to be given by the client). All these are done to create a particular training design that addresses their competencies. 

Training Methodology

The best trainers provide the best learning experience, which is accomplished with the right training methodologies. Rainmakers’ training methodologies include interactive discussions, video and audio support, pen/marker and paperwork, participant handouts, role plays/simulations, objectives-related application exercises and games, and case studies. 

Training Design

Every corporate training program goes through the design. Given their respective training needs, Rainmakers’ trainers create designs for training programs that suit their needs. We do it by creating modules that target the current level of participants. For instance, we cater differently to newbie salespeople from established sales managers – modules for them are contextualized to their challenges. 

Training Delivery

Rainmakers’ CEO has been mentored by top-ranked speakers, including Jayson Lo, who has been speaking and training for the past two decades. Given that, the level of communication and finesse in facilitating discussion and activities have been commendable by HR, L&D managers, and specialists, as well as their respective training participants. See their list of testimonials from different companies in different industries. 

Train For Competencies with Rainmakers' Training Services!

We customize in-house business training programs for your company. Contact us to schedule a training needs analysis (TNA) with your team.

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